Please Complete The Application Form

School Information

Borrower Details


Child Details

  • Please enter details of the students you are applying for below. This is to help the school identify the invoice details, and confirm them to us.
  • Please note that if you are applying for multiple children, each will be set up as a separate credit agreement. You will have to sign separate loan agreements, and the payments will be taken in separate direct debits (on the same date). You will be able to see details of each agreement on the customer portal.

Please provide a yearly estimate. We will contact your school and they will provide us with the final fee value. Just provide an estimate of the total annual fee, for example 10,000.00 .


Financial Details

Please provide your monthly income, for example 10,000.00 .

Please provide your monthly expenses/outgoings, for example 10,000.00 .

Loan Details

Flat Rate
Total Interest (£)
Instalment No Payment Date Monthly Instalment Amount

orchard funding