In a time of high inflation, how can brokers help their customers weather the economic storm?


A rise in the cost of energy is the key factor driving the current inflation rate, which is causing businesses to raise prices on their products & services, which we then pay when we buy them. In addition, Brexit and Covid-19 are additional factors affecting labour shortages in certain jobs, affecting rising business costs.


In these challenging times, making good insurance purchasing decisions is more important than ever. Brokers continue to play a vital role in arranging the right insurance cover at competitive prices, protecting their customers.


Customers' payment options will also be important to the rising inflationary costs. Effective use of credit, such as premium finance, is a strong option. Customers can choose to pay for insurance coverage on a monthly basis instead of having to pay for it all at once.


By paying insurance premiums in instalments, businesses and consumers can maintain a strong cash flow while using their reserves where they are needed most.


Through effective use of the Insurance Premium Finance (IPF) product, all brokers have substantial opportunities to help clients grow their businesses. Orchard Funding is a fundamental part of the forward growth plans of many insurance companies.


As an insurance premium financing company, Orchard Funding continues to work with brokers of all sizes, who have the capacity, desire, and capability to effectively service their clients.


Our partnership with brokers is key to our growth in the IPF market. We’re dedicated to working with you to meet your customers’ needs by offering best-in-class IPF solutions.


If you’d like to learn more about how Orchard Funding's payment solutions, we can help you and your customers, please get in touch!

Contact: Chris Meyer

Phone: 07854 380900


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