Helen Swaby the Club Manager at Appleby Golf Club Cumbria, talks about the benefits of working with Orchard Funding Ltd.
What problems, if any, were you trying to resolve by switching to Orchard Funding?
We had a problem with new finance applications which was fully resolved by Sarah.
How did you hear about us and what made us stand out from your existing provider?
Our club was recommended to Orchard Funding by another golf club - Keswick Golf Club.
What was the driving force behind you taking steps to join Orchard Funding?
We wanted to offer our members a reduced interest rate for members who wanted finance, when compared to our existing supplier.
If you were to tell another golf club about us, what feature or benefit of our service would you recommend and why?
Very good customer service and lower interest rates for members, I find the service from Orchard Funding very friendly and efficient.
Now that you have worked with us as a partner what has the experience been like and what has really stood out?
The main things that stand out for me are:
- fast responses to my emails and queries that I have
- an efficient system which helps with club reporting
- prompt payments to the golf club
Has anything about us surprised you?
What has been surprising is the ease of transition to working with Orchard Funding and their system.
Finally, based on your experience would you recommend us to other businesses out there?
Yes, I would definitely recommend other golf clubs to work with Orchard Funding for their golf fee finance scheme.